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Who am I?

Well, I am a father of two, an electrical engineer and a gamer.  I grew up in a very creative and geeky family.  Typical bedtime stories while I was growing up were The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Phantom Tollbooth, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

My first miniatures were gifts from my grandma when I was 8 or 9 years old.  I started painting them just as something fun to do.  I never really got into playing the games at the time because I didn’t know anyone else that played, and $60 was a lot of money for a ten-year-old to invest into a game.  So I ended up with a fairly random selection of minis.

In high school, I moved away from miniatures for a while and really got into Collectible Card Games (CCGs), primarily the Star Wars CCG from Decipher.  From about 1997 to 2004, I played almost every CCG released in some form or another and was a very regular figure at my local gaming store.

After college, I ended up getting married and moving to a more rural area that had a pretty limited gaming scene.  Luckily I was able to find a small group of guys that played Magic: The Gathering.  A couple of these guys also happened to be very interested in board games.  So Friday and Saturday nights became game nights, and sitting around the kitchen table for a few hours playing games like Settles of Catan, Acquire, and Runebound were pretty common.  It was one of these nights at a friend/co-worker’s apartment that I spied the Space Marine Dreadnought sitting on his shelf.

I immediately recognized it and mentioned it.  He happened to have the Battle for Maccrage starter set, but had never really played much.  We decided to take the game for a spin and really learn how to play.  That was about 4 years ago now.  We’ve expanded our gaming collections significantly and try to dedicate at least one night every couple of weeks to playing.  The gaming store I frequented in high school has started running RTT style tournaments about once every other month, so I make it to those whenever I can.  A couple more guys have also joined the local miniature gaming crew, and I’ve even been able to convince my wife to play Malifaux now and then.

So that’s my history.  I’ve been blogging for about two years now.  It’s been a great motivator for me to paint more and just to get better at the games.  It’s also been a way to show off what I’ve done to my family who were the ones who really got me started in all of this.

Thanks for reading.

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