Archive for the 'Sports' Category

Kiffin Fired

So it’s finally official.

I knew it was coming eventually unless they started winning, but it’s still disappointing.  I thought he was doing pretty well, and it really sucks that there will be yet another head coach.  No one wants to take a chance there and it just makes things worse.


Stupid Raiders

Man, that game was just draining.  The excitement of the Raiders leading through most of the game, and the way the defense was playing.  It just built up so much anticipation, and then to have it all taken away in the last minute was depressing.  I guess I can understand why they didn’t call a timeout at the end, but at the same time, I wish they would have just done something.  It just felt too much like giving up.

Raiders Win!

Hooray for the Oakland Raider win yesterday!

McFadden was great, though it sucks that Fargas was injured.  Now hopefully they can continue winning.


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