Archive for the 'Eldar' Category

Weekend Gaming: New Games and Warhammer 40k

This weekend, we were out of town for a Warhammer 40k tournament.  We were staying at Nick’s house, so we spent Thursday night learning one of his new games, Tzolk’in.  It was an interesting game with plenty to track and plan for.  The main part of the game is an ingenious gear mechanism that moves the players’ workers around each turn.  You need to plan ahead to make sure that your workers were in the right place to get their actions done.  The game was close as we all tried to figure out the best way to go.  Nick ended up winning, thanks to a strong monument purchased on the last turn.

Then on Saturday, Nick and I played in a Warhammer 40k charity event.  It was a fun tournament setup using a 500 point list for one game and a 2000 point list for the other two games.  There were six other there playing Chaos, Tyranids (two of them), Tau and Imperial Knights, Dark Angels, and Imperial Guard.  I was playing Eldar and Nick had his Orks.

My first game was 500 points against Chase and his Tyranids.  My Warp Spiders were the MVPs, destroying his Zoathorpes and generally being a nuisance as he failed to kill them in assault and then watched them jump out of combat just to shoot more into the bugs.  I had two units of jetbikes that didn’t do much.  They were protecting some objectives, but one group, including my Farseer got tied up by his Mawloc and perished.  The other squad survived the game, but I ended up losing by a couple points.


I played against Nick next, which is always fun.  I was doing well early, destroying the majority of his vehicles within the first couple turns.  The highlight was my Wraithlord destroying a Battlewagon with a single well placed bright lance shot. After four turns, the game ended in a draw.  I just couldn’t kill off enough of his orks since they were actually armored, and he wasn’t able to get close enough to get into assault.  Things would have been really interesting on turn five, but we were out of time.


My final game was against John’s Tyranids.  He had a lot more big bugs than Chase, but there were plenty of smaller things too.  I was able to destroy a squad of gaunts and his warlord on the first turn with some nice shooting.  On the second turn, he had a huge squad of guants outflank to my left and a Mawloc appear near my Avengers.  The guants killed all but one of my Warp Spiders, and that Spider managed to survive the rest of the game in some ruins.  The Mawloc missed on his entrance and couldn’t do anything on his turn, so I was able to put a ton of fire into it and then assaulted it with a Wraithlord, killing it.  The Guants were shot up by Dire Avengers  and jetbikes, and then wiped out in assault.  At this point it was mostly clean up for the Eldar.  I just had to avoid the worst of the big bugs and finish out the last two turns for the victory.


The Tau ended up with the tournament victory.  I did end up winning a gift certificate, which I used on a new game, and ultimately the 8 of us raised over $120 for Sanford Children’s Hospital.

That evening, Nick, Gina, and I learned my new game, Lords of Xidit.  It was another game with lots of planning.  This time the planning involved deciding on your next six actions before each round.  Then the actions were carried out in order to move around recruiting warriors and defeating monsters.  The pre-planning aspect made things somewhat relaxing as we weren’t working out every move with excruciating detail.  You had to plan ahead and try to guess what the others were doing, but once those moves were set, it was just a matter of executing.  Nick won again, just barely beating me with the tie-breaker.

Until next time, happy gaming!

Eldar vs. Orks – 500 points

A couple weekends ago I played against my friend Nick’s Ork army in order to prepare for the tournament that took place last weekend (report for that is forthcoming).  It was fun and he tried out a couple different lists, while I used my Eldar Scout Force.

In the first game the objective was to have a scoring unit in the opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game while also scoring killpoints.  Nicks army consisted of 10 Boyz in a Truk, 3 Nob Bikers, 13 Boyz on foot and 5 Lootaz.  The Bikers died quickly to Walker fire, with the foot boyz going shortly after.  The Lootas got eaten by my bikers, and the boyz in the Truk held in reserve for a while, but then got shot up once they came in.

In the second game there were 4 objective markers that we were trying to secure.  This time Nick too a crazy army consisting of two squads of 30 Boyz and 2 Rockit Buggies.  There were a ton of Orks on the field, but even with them getting cover saves I was able to keep shooting and eventually wiped the green menace off the face of the table.

In the end Nick decided to go with an army similar to his second army for the tournament.  We figured that most people would not be able to deal with that many bodies on the table.  My army was an exception just because of the huge amount of shooting that it was able to do.

500 Point Seize Ground

Ryan and I played another 500 point game tonight.  I was playing the same Eldar as last time (3 squads of 2 Walkers with Shuriken Cannons and 2 squads of Jetbikes one with a Destructor Warlock and the other with an Embolden Warlock), and Ryan was playing Space Marines.  His army had 5 Devastators with 4 Missile Launchers, a 10 man Tactical squad with a Rocket Launcher, a 5 man Tactical squad and 2 Razorbacks with Heavy Bolters.

The mission was 4 objectives with a Spearhead deployment.  I won the roll and passed the turn to Ryan.  He deployed his two Razorbacks towards the center, with his Devastators in the back and one Combat Squad of marines in some trees.  I deployed one squad of Walkers forward behind some trees with my Jetbikes behind them and my other 4 Walkers in my corner on a hill (which was a mistake).  I then proceeded to seize the initiative and took the first turn.

The actually game went pretty quickly, and was relatively uneventful.  My forward Walkers were able to wreck both Razorbacks in the first two turn, while the rear Walkers needed two turns to get into range of anything.  From that point on, Ryan was having a tough time shooting anything other than my Jetbikes, which I had pushed forward very aggressively.  After turn 2, though, Ryan stopped failing saves.  From turns 2 through 6, I must have shot nearly 75 times and wounded close to 30 Marines, but only 4 ended up dieing.  Ryan had at least 1 Marine from every squad alive at the end of the game, while my Jetbikes had been dead from the end of turn 4.

My only hope was to contest with my Walkers, but on turn 6 Ryan was able to take one of the contesting Walkers out with Missile Launcher fire and won the game 1 objective to 0.

It was a good game, but I really need to learn to deploy my Walkers better.  They need to be in range on turn 1 otherwise they just are not as useful.  And while my Jetbikes do have Warlocks, they are not good in Combat.  About all I can hope for is to clean up 1-2 Marines, but even then it’s not guaranteed.

500pt Eldar vs. Ultramarines

Ryan and I got a game in tonight with our 500 point Combat Patrol armies.  We decided to use the Adepticon scenarios for the game.  The exact scenario was to get a scoring unit into the opponent’s deployment zone, while keeping the opponent out of your own.

My army:
3 Jetbikes with Shuriken Cannon
1 Warlock with Destructor

3 Jetbikes with Shuriken Cannon
1 Warlock with Embolden

3 squads of 2 War Walkers each with 2 Shuriken Cannons

Ryan’s army:
2 squads of 10 Tactical Marines with Flamer and Rocket Launcher and Melta-Bombs
5 Devastators with 4 Rocket Launchers

I won the roll to go first and deployed across the board.  The Walkers were deployed with one squad on each side of the table and the third in the center.  The Bikes were deployed behind cover between the Walkers.  Ryan deployed all of his Marines behind a hill on the far left.  This caused most of my army to be completely out of range from my army.  I used my scout move to get my Walkers a bit closer.

On my first turn I moved my Jetbikes flat out to the center of the table, while my Walkers moved closer to the marines.  Only one squad of Walkers was in range for shooting, and manage to kill the Devastator squad’s Leader.  Ryan moved everything except the Devastators closed and took out one of the close Walkers, and took the weapon off the other one.

Turns 2-4 were spent moving closer and slowly whittling down Ryan’s army.  One Walker managed to hold up an entire squad of Marines in assault for 3 turns before finally causing a wound and causing them to fall back.  That squad then regrouped and managed to make it all the way across the board ending up in my deployment zone on turn 5 with 2 Marines left.

At the end, Ryan had two Marines in my deployment zone, while I had a squad of Jetbikes in his.  So the game was a draw.  I should have deployed my Walkers in the center of the table so I could have brought all of their firepower to bear on at the same time, rather than splitting them up.

It was a good game, and I really liked my army, but I learned that I need to be a bit more careful with deployment when I can’t rely on superior range to see me through.

Combat Patrol Games

Tonight I was able to play two 500 point Combat Patrol games, one against Ryan and the other against JJ.  The first game I was played Eldar against Ryan’s Space Marines.

2 squads of 3 Jetbikes with 1 Shuriken Cannon, 1 Warlock on Jetbike with Embolden
2 squads of 2 War Walkers with Scatter Lasers

Space Marines:
3 Land Speeders with Multi-melta and Flamers
2 Heavy Bolter Razorbacks with 5 Marines

The first turn I was able to wreck one Razorback and immobilize a Speeder with Scatter Laser fire, and it basically went downhill for Ryan from there.  He was able to take out one squad of Walkers and a squad of Jetbikes, but the other squads caused problems for Ryan all game.  At the end of the game all of the speeders and Razorbacks were wrecked and the remaining squad of bikes was tied up in combat with the Marines.

The second game was against JJ’s Space Wolves and I was playing Tau.

4 Pathfinders
Devilfish with Disruption Pods
6 Fire Warriors
6 Stealth Suits
2 Crisis Suits with Plasma Rifles and Missile Pods

Space Wolves:
3 Thunderwolves
10 Grey Hunters in Rhino
6 Long Fangs with 5 Missile Launchers

This game did not go well for the Tau.  I was able to take out the Thunderwolves with the Crisis Suits after feeding them some Gun Drones and the Fire Warriors.  The Stealth Suits failed to do anything more than shake the Rhino and then died to Grey Hunters.  And the Crisis Suits died to missile fire.

Overall it was a fun night.  I learned quite a bit about how to work with a very limited point level.

1000pt RTT Tournament Report

I took my Eldar to a local RTT tournament this weekend.  1000 points is a very limiting value, and I went through about 5 different concepts before I finally settled on the list below.

Farseer with Doom and Runes of Warding
5 Dire Avengers
10 Storm Guardians with 2 Flamers and Warlock with Destructor
7 Fire Dragons
3 Wave Serpents with twin-linked Scatter Lasers and Shurken Cannon
2 Fire Prisms

I felt that the 5 Eldar tanks would be very resilient at this level and the Fire Dragons, Guardians and Fire Prisms would be able to put down a lot of fire-power.

The tournament had some custom scenarios that made things a bit weird.  Every game had kill points as one of the objectives, and each game was limited to only 4 rounds.  The odd bit was that the we could complete the round up to 3 times within the two hour time limit.  So for example, if you completed all 4 turns of the game and still had time left, you could re-roll to see who goes first, re-deploy and then start the game all over again.  Then at the end of the round, your best score from the games completed would be used as the score for that round.  In my case, I was able to complete 2 games in each of the 3 rounds.  Another common theme was that I was able to win the roll and go first in each game.

The first round was spearhead deployment with an objective in the center of the table that could be picked up be a troop unit.  Then you would score points for every turn that you managed to have it within 8″ of your deployment corner.  The caveat, though, was that you couldn’t pick it up with a transport, the troops had to get out to grab the objective, but then you could get back into the transport.  My opponent for the first round was a Black Templars player with a 10 man Tactical Squad, a 5 man Terminator squad, a 5 man Assault squad, a 10 man Scout squad, Emperor’s Champion and a Predator with lascannons.  My plan was to zip forward with my Avenger Serpent and grab the objective, while the other two serpents surrounded it to give it protection.  This didn’t work out as well as I hoped because the objective was on the bottom edge of a hill and I wasn’t able to get over the hill without going fast, so I couldn’t drop off the Avengers quite close enough and ended up getting wiped out before they could get the objective back into their transport.  Not all was lost, though, since one of my Fire Prisms was able to wreck the Predator on the first turn.  Then between the Fire Dragons, Fire Prisms and Scatter Lasers I was able to slowly take out all but the Terminators and Scouts.  The first game ended with a score of 5-1 in my favor.

The second game, I decided to take the other side of the table, and that worked out a bit better for me  as far as the main objective went.  I was able to get the objective back to my deployment and held it there for the last two turns.  Sadly, though, I wasn’t able to take out the Predator as early and that cost me a pair of Wave Serpents over the course of the game.  On the last turn, his Terminators were able to assault my remaining Serpent and destroyed it.  The game ended with each of us getting 4 points.

This was a good set of games, but it was obvious that my opponent was a bit rusty.  He was forgetting attacks in assault and generally playing a bit sloppily.  He was a good opponent, though, and I gave him a few pointers at the end of the game that hopefully helped him along.

The second round was straight-up kill points with a Pitched Battle deployment.  The only addition was that if you managed to seize the initiative your entire army would get the Fleet rule for the first turn.  My opponent was a Dark Angels player with Belial, Samuel in his Land Speeder, a squad of 5 Terminators, a squad of 6 Bikers with 2 meltaguns, a 5 man Tac squad and a Razorback with Heavy Bolters.

The first game I deployed in the center and he deployed his bikers behind some trees to my right and his Razorback and Samuel behind a hill to my right.  The Terminators were in reserve.  On the first turn, everything moved up and my Prisms managed to immobilize the Razorback.  His bikes came around the trees, but didn’t hurt my Serpents.  The Terminators dropped in behind the trees and started moving up.  My Fire Dragons blasted 4 of the bikes, but they held strong.  The Fire Prisms finished off the Razorback.  The bikes and Terminators then managed to wipe out my Fire Dragons.  I was not able to kill off the Terminators and Samuel was able to take out one of my Prisms on the last turn to make the score 2-2.

The second game I deployed pretty much the same way.  My opponent deployed his Razorback and Bikes behind the hill on my right, while Samuel and the Terminators would Deepstrike.  I moved up to the center of the board, and the Prisms were able to knock out 3 of the bikers.  The terminators dropped on the front edge of the hill and his bikes ran up over the top, but were only able to shake the Fire Dragon’s Serpent.  The Dragons then hopped out and with the help of the Fire Prisms they took out the Terminators and Belial.  The bikers ran the Dragons off the board, but not before the Dragons took out one of the Bikers.  The remaining two bikers fell to Prism and Scatter Laser fire.  The last two turns were spent firing at the rear of Samuel’s speeder, but I was only able to immobilize it, regardless of the amount of fire I poured into it.  The game ended with a score of 3-1 in my favor.

These games were great and by far the toughest of the day.  My opponent played well, and I just didn’t have the fire power to get through the tough armor.

Round three was Pitched Battle with kill points again, but this time one Troops unit was designated to have a bomb implanted in it.  If you could get the unit into assault, then you could detonate the bomb at will, but otherwise it had a 50% change of exploding at the start of turns 3 and 4.  My opponent was an Imperial Guard player with 3 Chimeras, a Battle Tank, a Demolisher, 3 10 man squads of Veterans and a Command Squad.  I setup with everything in the center and my opponent did the same pretty much.  My Storm Guardians held the bomb and went to my left behind some trees with the Dire Avengers.  The Fire Prisms took out most of a Veteran Squad that was deployed on a hill, while my Fire Dragons went up the middle and then jumped out to nuke the Demolisher.  The Dragons and their Serpent then got take out by the Battle Tank and some melta guns.  At this point the Storm Guardians jumped out of their tank and tried to get close enough to one Veteran squad to assault, but failed.  They would kill off a few veterans, but then die to the bomb implanted in them.  The Guard’s bomb ended up taking out a Chimera and the Guardsmen inside it, and that was it.  The game ended with a score of 6-4.

The second game went a bit better for me.  Deployment was pretty much the same, but with the Guard’s Chimeras in a line to the right of center.  I sped all of my Serpents straight at the Chimeras and hoped.  The Prisms again blasted the Guardsmen on the hill.  My Fire Dragon’s tank did take some hits, but ended up only stunned.  My Dragons jumped out and blasted the Command Squad’s Chimera.  Most of that squad died in the wreckage, but the rest were killed off in assault by the Fire Dragons.  The Storm Guardians got out and hoped to assault the Guardsmen in the Chimera on my far right, but I was unable to wreck it with Scatter Lasers, so they would have to wait a turn.  At that point their bomb exploded and killed half of them.  The remaining ones were able to light up the guardsmen with their flamers, but couldn’t finish them off and were too far away to assault.  Enough Fire Dragons survived the turn to be able to attack and then assault the Demolisher and wreck it.  At the end I had taken out the Demolisher, 2 Chimeras, 2 Veteran Squads and the Command Squad, while he only managed to kill the Fire Dragons.  The game ended with a score of 7-2.

I had never played against Imperial Guard before, so it was an interesting game.  It was also the only game where my Storm Guardians really managed to do anything.

At the end of the day I had managed to score full battle points in the first and third games, and I did well enough in the 2nd game to earn first place for the day.  I was pleasantly surprised and definitely happy to have won the day due to my gameplay as opposed to my painting skills (my buddy Nick won the painting award).  The missions were definitely a bit goofy and the prevalence of kill points as an objective was a bit disappointing.  Also, being able to play two games against each opponent was quite helpful, since I was able to learn from the first game and then change tactics if needed in the second game.  The final thing that helped immensely was simply luck.  My Fire Prisms were extremely accurate in most of the games and were the MVPs of the day.  The Fire Dragons came in a close second, while the Storm Guardians were pretty weak, even in the last game.

Overall, my plan for the day held true.  I stuck to my guns and played aggressive.  Few armies had the ability to deal with 5 Eldar tanks and the speed and firepower really made the army work.

Custom Fire Prism Turret

Seeing as I had a bunch of extra Tau stuff from the Skyray boxes that I was only using for Hammerhead parts and I don’t really care for the standard Fire Prism turret, I went and created some new turrets.  They use a trimmed down version of the Skyray turret mount to which I attached the main portion of the Fire Prism cannon.  On the opposite side, I used a Necron scarab for a bit of detail and then added an Eldar fin on top for that bit of Eldar flare.  They’re quite simplistic, and much more akin to the Wave Serpents with the automated turrets.  Plus they’re a lot less unwieldy.


Pictures from the Tournament

Random pictures taken during game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

1600 Point Tourament Report from Feb 27, 2010

I played in a local 1600pt Warhammer 40k tournament this last weekend using my Eldar.  The turnout was pretty good overall with 7 players for 40k and another 7 for Warhammer Fantasy.  It was kind of disappointing that we had an odd number, but I know that some of the Fantasy players plan to bring both Fantasy and 40k armies next time in case a similar situation arises.

Even though it was a smaller point tournament I ended up bringing a list with my Seer Council, which helped me greatly.  Though not in the way you’d likely expect.

My List:

Seer Council
– Farseer with Doom, Fortune, Runes of Witnessing, Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Jetbike
– 3 Warlocks with Jetbikes and Destructor
– 1 Warlock with Jetbike and Embolden
– 1 Warlock with Jetbike and Enhance
– 1 Warlock with Jetbike

2 sets of 5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents with Spirit Stones, Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Missile Launcher

2 sets of 6 Fire Dragons in Wave Serpents with Spirit Stones, Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Lasers

2 Fire Prisms

My strategy was to play very aggressive with the Council and the Fire Dragons, while the Fire Prisms and Dire Avengers stayed back and shot at things.

In the first round, I ended up getting the bye round, so I actually spent the majority of the round assembling some Tau stuff that I had bought that day.

Second round I was paired up against my friend Ryan (always seems to happen, we drive 90 minutes to play other people and end up playing each other).  The game was Seize Ground with 4 objectives and Spearhead deployment.  Ryan won the roll and decided to go first.  He combat squaded his troops and stuck the groups of 5 with Rocket Launchers on a hill near two of the objectives.  The rest were placed in Razorback tanks.  He also had a Devastator squad with 4 rocket launchers on the hill, along with 2 Predators, 2 Dreadnoughts and 3 Land Speeders.  I deployed my Council as far forward as possible, with my Dragons just behind them.  My Avengers and Prisms sat as far back in my corner as possible.

From the first turn I knew things were going to be tough.  Ryan managed to immobilize one of my Avenger Serpents and one of my Dragon Serpents.  Luckily they were still positioned so they could fire, but they weren’t going anywhere.  He also managed to kill one of the Warlocks in my Council.  On my turn, the Council Fortuned up and zoomed forward but were out of range for anything.  My Prisms combined fire, but only succeeded in taking out 2 Marines, while my immobilized Avenger’s Serpent shook one of the Land Speeders.  The other two Serpents moved to get cover saves.

Turn two, didn’t really see an improvement for me.  The Land Speeders were able to destroy my still mobile Fire Dragon Serpent due to my inability to roll cover saves.  One of my Prisms got Stunned, and I lost another member of the Seer Council.  The three Dragons that survived the destruction of their vehicle were able to destroy 2 of the Speeders and take the Flamer off the third.  My Seer Council smashed into two of Ryan’s Razorbacks and demolished them.  I was able to destroy 4 out of 5 guys in one of the Tactical squads, but the remaining Rocket Launcher wielding marine proved to be very resilient, even if he couldn’t hit anything.

The final turns ended up being relatively uneventful, though.  Ryan continued to roll well, while my rolls were less than impressive.  he managed to down every one of my tanks before they could get into position.  My Fire Dragons from the immobilized Serpent were able to kill off the remaining Speeder along with 2 Dreadnoughts before dieing to bolter fire.  The Seer Council slowly withered under fire without doing much more damage.  The final wound to the Farseer, though was caused by a failed Perils of the Warp save causing his head to pop.  On the en of turn 5, we each controlled two objectives, but the game went on to turn 6, and Ryan was able to move a Razorback in range to contest one, so I ended up losing 1 objective to 2.

At this point, I figured I was pretty much out of it, since my other friend Nick had done very well in his first game, and there were a couple others that had managed to do quite well in both games.

For game three I was put up against CT and his Chaos marines.  He was running 3 Rhinos with 7 or 8 Khorne Berzerkers, 2 Demon Princes (one Nurgle, one Khorne), a Chosen squad with Plasma guns and a Defiler.  The game was Capture and Control with Spearhead deployment.  We both placed our objectives deep in our respective corners.  CT won the roll and decided to go first.  He placed the Defiler way back on top of his objective with the Chosen nearby in front.  The Rhinos and Princes lined up in front of his deployment.  I placed my Fire Prisms and Avenger Serpents deep in my corner, and then had my Council right on the front edge.  My Dragon Serpents were place towards the middle, but hidden behind a ruined building.

CT’s first turn was pretty uneventful with just his Princes and Rhinos moving forward, but nothing really happening in Shooting.  My Avenger Serpents moved flat out for the saves, while my Council and Dragon Serpents moved forward.  One group of Dragons got out and shot the Nurgle Prince, dealing 3 wounds.  The Scatter Laser on the Serpent managed to take off it’s last wound.  My Prisms took out one of the Rhinos.

On turn two, all of the Berzerkers jumped out of their tanks, but didn’t do much other than shoot at my stuff to little effect.  The Khorne prince assaulted the Dragon Serpent that still contained Dragons, but only managed to destroy its weapon.  My Farseer doomed the Prince, but even with that the combined fire of the disembarked Fire Dragons, Scatter Lasers and Missile Launchers were only able to take 3 wounds.  The Prisms managed to take out a few Berzerkers along with the Council.

More of the same on turn three.  The Khorne Prince swooped in and made short work of the Fire Dragons, though they did put up a valiant fight.  I continued to be unable to finish off the Prince in shooting, so it finally perished when it made the mistake of assaulting my Seer Council on turn 4.  The Council was able to take out the Chosen, but then got charged by a some Zerkers and these guys along with a Greater Daemon that spawned on turn 5 were able to slowly whittle away the Council until it finally died to a sweeping advance.  My second squad of Fire Dragons took out the Defiler.  My Dire Avenger Serpents were able to get onto the two objectives and sit tight.

The game went to turn 7, though the last two turns were basically spent trying to wipe out the rest of his forces.  I was unable to do enough damage to the darn Greater Daemon to get the last few bonus points.  The game ended with me controlling both objectives.

In the end I had managed a major victory, a minor loss and a bye.  Nick had come away with two massacres.  I knew that the tournament organizer was judging the painting of Headquarter units (the Farseer in my case) and those points were included in the final score, so I figured I still had a chance to place.  When the final totals were announced, though, I ended up in first place!  My Farseer had managed to score 34 out of 40 possible points, so he ended up winning the day for me.  I was quite amazed, though I do feel bad for Nick.  He definitely outplayed me, but lost points due to a hastily painted Ork 😀

Overall it was a good day.  I could have deployed a bit better against Ryan, but luck also played a major role in my defeat there.  He played very well and it was a well deserved win for him.  The two games I played were a lot of fun, and as always things were run very smoothly.  I had a lot of fun and thanks go out to my opponents for some great games.  Pictures from the tournament will be posted once I get back home.

Storm Guardians

It has been a while, but I know I promised some pictures of my Storm Guardians.

The pistols were a mix of Dire Avenger shuriken pistols and in a few cases a cut down shuriken catapult.  The swords were taken from Dark Elf warriors.  All in all, I think they turned out quite well.


Last Three Plays:


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