Posts Tagged 'Lords of Xidit'

Weekend Gaming: Busy Days

DSC_0012Things have been busy lately, but I did get some gaming in over the past few weekends.  Last weekend was a bachelor party for one of my friends and we spent most of Saturday playing disc golf.  The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of fun playing.  That evening was spent playing Railways of the World, Five Tribes, Hawaii, and Cards Against Humanity.  Everyone had a great time.

This weekend, after spending time making minor repairs to the house to address inspection issues, Joe, Louis, Kevin, Brent, and I were able to get some gaming in as well with Eminent Domain and Lords of Xidit.  I ended up winning Eminent Domain with a ton of planets and a focus on colonization.  Louis had a really nice production/trade engine going, and was a close second.

In Lords of Xidit, I played horribly.  I seemed to be a step behind most turns, and had a couple rounds where I didn’t progress at all.  Kevin had the strongest showing with reputation, while Joe had a ton of gold.  In the final categories, I took last in every one.  Joe and Kevin made it to the final category of Mage Towers, but since Kevin had mostly ignored them, Joe took the victory.

Until next time, happy gaming!

Weekend Gaming: Xidit and Brass

IMG_20141213_224337_673-1024We kicked off games on Saturday with Lords of Xidit.  I was doing alright, but was behind on mage towers throughout.  I knew I had to catch up, but there weren’t a whole lot of locations available.  Joe and Louis both had 10, Gina had five, and Kevin had 13.  In the last year, I was able to pick up three to get to nine, and I had a wizard left over to hopefully win the final census to score a tenth tower.  Everything was going well until both Louis picked up three more towers and Joe snatched a single tower on the last action of the game.  I ended up getting eliminated, and Joe went on to win the game.

IMG_20141214_245246_786-1024Gina headed to bed and the rest of us played Brass.  I was trying to get some Iron Works built early, but was only able to get one.  I didn’t have a real strong focus and was really only able to get a couple of ports built in Lancaster in the first phase.  Kevin had a much stronger first phase with some Cotton Mills and plenty of canals.  There was a ton of coal built in the first phase as well, and everyone was taking loans.

In the rail phase, Joe was taking loans like crazy, while Louis was able to build a sizable income.  Kevin was still working on Cotton Mills and connections.  I had build more in Preston and Lancaster and was actually able to build a boat up in the far North.  Joe managed to build two boats, but in the end it was Kevin that managed to win the game.  His connections and strong Cotton presence was too much to overcome.


Until next time, happy gaming!

Weekend Gaming: New Games and Warhammer 40k

This weekend, we were out of town for a Warhammer 40k tournament.  We were staying at Nick’s house, so we spent Thursday night learning one of his new games, Tzolk’in.  It was an interesting game with plenty to track and plan for.  The main part of the game is an ingenious gear mechanism that moves the players’ workers around each turn.  You need to plan ahead to make sure that your workers were in the right place to get their actions done.  The game was close as we all tried to figure out the best way to go.  Nick ended up winning, thanks to a strong monument purchased on the last turn.

Then on Saturday, Nick and I played in a Warhammer 40k charity event.  It was a fun tournament setup using a 500 point list for one game and a 2000 point list for the other two games.  There were six other there playing Chaos, Tyranids (two of them), Tau and Imperial Knights, Dark Angels, and Imperial Guard.  I was playing Eldar and Nick had his Orks.

My first game was 500 points against Chase and his Tyranids.  My Warp Spiders were the MVPs, destroying his Zoathorpes and generally being a nuisance as he failed to kill them in assault and then watched them jump out of combat just to shoot more into the bugs.  I had two units of jetbikes that didn’t do much.  They were protecting some objectives, but one group, including my Farseer got tied up by his Mawloc and perished.  The other squad survived the game, but I ended up losing by a couple points.


I played against Nick next, which is always fun.  I was doing well early, destroying the majority of his vehicles within the first couple turns.  The highlight was my Wraithlord destroying a Battlewagon with a single well placed bright lance shot. After four turns, the game ended in a draw.  I just couldn’t kill off enough of his orks since they were actually armored, and he wasn’t able to get close enough to get into assault.  Things would have been really interesting on turn five, but we were out of time.


My final game was against John’s Tyranids.  He had a lot more big bugs than Chase, but there were plenty of smaller things too.  I was able to destroy a squad of gaunts and his warlord on the first turn with some nice shooting.  On the second turn, he had a huge squad of guants outflank to my left and a Mawloc appear near my Avengers.  The guants killed all but one of my Warp Spiders, and that Spider managed to survive the rest of the game in some ruins.  The Mawloc missed on his entrance and couldn’t do anything on his turn, so I was able to put a ton of fire into it and then assaulted it with a Wraithlord, killing it.  The Guants were shot up by Dire Avengers  and jetbikes, and then wiped out in assault.  At this point it was mostly clean up for the Eldar.  I just had to avoid the worst of the big bugs and finish out the last two turns for the victory.


The Tau ended up with the tournament victory.  I did end up winning a gift certificate, which I used on a new game, and ultimately the 8 of us raised over $120 for Sanford Children’s Hospital.

That evening, Nick, Gina, and I learned my new game, Lords of Xidit.  It was another game with lots of planning.  This time the planning involved deciding on your next six actions before each round.  Then the actions were carried out in order to move around recruiting warriors and defeating monsters.  The pre-planning aspect made things somewhat relaxing as we weren’t working out every move with excruciating detail.  You had to plan ahead and try to guess what the others were doing, but once those moves were set, it was just a matter of executing.  Nick won again, just barely beating me with the tie-breaker.

Until next time, happy gaming!


Last Three Plays:


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